How to Choose Family & Divorce Lawyers

A family lawyer can guide you through the legal complexities of divorce, separation, child custody/visitation, spousal support, and more. If there is abuse or violence in the family, an attorney can file a restraining order against the abusive person. A family attorney can also help you create a estate plan to protect your assets and loved ones in the event of your death or disability.

When you choose a family & divorce lawyer, look for one who has extensive experience handling cases in your specific county or region. A lawyer who knows the judges, court staff and local customs can make your case more effective. The right family & divorce lawyer will listen to your concerns, be compassionate, and provide excellent guidance and legal representation.

During your initial consultations, take note of how the prospective attorneys interact with you and each other. Make sure you bring a list of all your assets, debts and sources of income to each meeting. Be prepared to discuss your marital and financial history in detail. Ask the attorney what their fee structure is and how they estimate expenses for your case.

Ask the prospective family & divorce lawyers questions about their education, experience, and reputation in the community. Also ask about their approach to cases and whether they work with a team of attorneys who specialize in different areas of family law. It is a good idea to choose an attorney who practices collaborative divorce, which helps keep the costs down and the process more manageable. אמיר בר לב

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