Bill Payment & Cellular Phone Service Providers. The Wave Of The Future For Merchant Retailers.

Were you aware that there are literally millions of US households that do not have a checking account. Millions of these households need your businesses to use this highly needed conveniently way to pay all of their monthly bills!. How many of these customers are yours? Now you can offer them an option…Bill Payments & Cellular Services.

Options to pay any bill, to any biller, in any fashion. A nationwide network Bill Payment Services.

Start generating revenue by offering your customers a service that “closes the loop” on Electronic Bill Payment & Cellular Phone Service.

Convenience, Saves Time and Saves Money For Your Customers

Millions of Americans adults don’t have a checking account, 25%-35% of all bills are paid by walk-in customers. You can make it easy for your customers to pay their bills, people who have limited transportation, prefer paying in cash, want to make late payment, don’t trust the mail or want a receipt by Bill Payment Service, a Federally established owned service.

There is no longer a need for customers to purchase money orders, then mail, or go to each biller location, customer bill payments is processed electronically in your place of business, no money orders, no stamps, no envelopes, no gas expense, with no loss time taken off from work.

The Pay All Bill Payment Service will provide a competitive advantage for all types of businesses. The Bill Payment Services will attract new customers, along with establishing repeat customers for your business, plus customers will purchase other goods and services while visiting your place to pay all of there household bill payments, we can’t emphasize this enough, this bill payment service system will help your businesses in so many other great ways with goods and services you retail presently.

This service is a great traffic builder, encouraging your customers to come back month after month. Getting customers into your stores to pay all there bills is going to become more and more simple, once customers get used to, and know they can pay all billers their, It will become a habit!. Bill Payment Solutions that shares a common vision with you about how your business can win in your market. This will be exciting of your business becoming need-fillers for your customers, the new emerging innovating Bill Payment Service, Cellular Service Providers concept.

Bill Payment Services. The Wave Of The Future!. SMART Solutions.

Electronic Distribution

How Electronic Distribution Works

The Problems of Distributing Prepaid Services with Hard (Scratch) Cards


One of the most significant developments in the prepaid telecom industry in the last few years has been the emergence of electronic distribution technologies, such as Prepaid Wireless Direct point-of-sale activaton (POSA) will completely reconstruct the way in which prepaid services are sold.

How Electronic Distribution Works

Prepaid Wireless Direct electronic distribution systems enable any prepaid sevice to electronically transmit their services to virtually any retail location. Prepaid Wireless Direct provides an integrated POSA solution comprised of flexible and compact point-of-sale terminal equipment, proprietary software, transactional communications, protocols, and professional services to assist retailers with implementation.

Once in the retail environment, consumers simply select a product from point-of sale signage or displays and make the approprate payment to the clerk who then inserts a wallet-sized thermal card into the POSA terminal. After pushing a few key corresponding to the desired product, terminal prints a prepaid PIN along with usage instruction on the card. Prepaid Wireless Direct also supports PIN-less delivery whereby the terminal makes a real-time connection service provider. A credit is instantly issued to the customer’s account. Within moments of purchase, customers can use services.

The types of retail environments that are beginning to switch to electronic delivery include wireless shops, supermarkets, conveience stores, check cashers, food marts, university shops, electronics stores, hotels and many more.

The Problems of Distributing Prepaid Services with Hard (Scratch) Cards

Prepaid Wireless Direct has developed electronic distribution services to address the many problems of distributing prepaid mobile and other prepaid services through hard cards. Hard cards are also known as scratch cards because the customer scratches a panel on the back of the card to reveal a PIN or other secret code.

The current and traditional distribution methodology of most prepaid services involves the prepaid services involves the provider printing scratch cards, warehousing them and fulfilling orders to distributors. The distributors purchase large quantities for providers, warehouse them and fulfill retail orders. And retailers purchase the cards from distributors, manage the inventory and sell the cards to consumers. Piattaforma lavoro

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